How Many Treats Per Day for Cat? Simple Trick Help You Find Out!

A cat is eating treats as a reward

Table of Contents

Introduction-treats per day for cat

When it comes to cat nutrition, treats can be an important part of a cat’s diet. However, it’s important to practice moderation and choose treats that are healthy for your pet. The most important asked question related to giving treats to cats is: How many treats can a cat have a day?

The ideal number of treats per day for a cat varies depending on the cat’s weight, activity level, and main diet. However, a general guideline is to keep treats to no more than 10% of the cat’s daily calorie intake. This means that if your cat needs 200 calories per day, you can give them up to 20 calories worth of treats. You should also adjust the amount of their main food accordingly to prevent overfeeding and obesity.

Responsible treat-giving guarantees that our furry companions receive the right nutrients without compromising their well-being. In this blog, we will explore the importance of treats per day for cats, shed light on the significance of moderation, and provide insights on establishing responsible treat-giving habits.

Number of treats per day for cats of different ages

AgeRecommended number of treats per day
Kitten (0-6 months)Up to 5 treats
Adult cat (7 months-7 years)Up to 7 treats
Senior cat (7+ years)Up to 6 treats
Number of treats per day for cats of different ages

Number of treat calories for cats of different weights

WeightRecommended number of calories from treats per day
5 poundsUp to 15 calories
10 poundsUp to 30 calories
15 poundsUp to 45 calories
20 poundsUp to 60 calories
Calories from treats per day for cats of different weights

Factors to consider while giving treats to your cat

AgeKittens need more treats than adult cats, while senior cats need fewer treats.
WeightHeavier cats need fewer treats than lighter cats.
Activity levelActive cats need more treats than sedentary cats.
Health conditionsCats with health conditions may need to limit their intake of treats.
Food preferencesSome cats prefer dry treats, while others prefer wet treats.
BudgetThe cost of treats can vary widely.
Factors to consider while giving treats to your cat

Note: The information provided in the tables is based on the latest guidelines from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO)

Why do Kittens need more treats than adult cats?

Kittens are growing rapidly and need more calories and nutrients to support their development. They also have a higher metabolism than adult cats, so they burn more calories. Adult cats, on the other hand, have slowed down their metabolism and are not growing as rapidly. They also do not need as many calories as kittens.

Senior cats also need fewer treats than adult cats. This is because they are less active and their metabolism has slowed down. Additionally, senior cats may have health conditions that require them to limit their intake of treats.

Importance of Treats in a Cat’s Diet

Treats serve multiple purposes beyond mere indulgence in a cat’s diet. They can be used as rewards during training, strengthen the bond between pets and owners, or provide additional nutrients. However, it’s important to note that treats should never replace a cat’s regular, balanced meals.

Treats often differ in ingredients and textures compared to regular cat food, offering sensory stimulation and variety for our feline friends. Moreover, certain treats are formulated with specific nutrients that can support different aspects of a cat’s health, such as dental health or urinary tract function. When chosen wisely and used moderately, treats can contribute positively to a cat’s overall well-being.

Understanding the Significance of Moderation

While treats bring happiness to our cats, understanding moderation is essential to avoid potential health issues. Overindulging in treats can lead to excessive calorie intake, contributing to weight gain and obesity. Obesity in cats can result in various health problems, including diabetes, joint issues, and reduced lifespan.

To maintain a healthy balance, it is recommended to limit treat intake to no more than 10% of a cat’s daily caloric intake. This may vary depending on factors such as the cat’s age, weight, and activity level.

Establishing Responsible Treat-Giving Habits

Responsible treat-giving involves establishing guidelines to ensure treats are given in a controlled and beneficial manner. Here are some tips to help you establish responsible treat-giving habits:

1. Choose high-quality treats: Opt for treats made with wholesome ingredients and without artificial additives or fillers. Read labels and prioritize treats that align with your cat’s dietary needs.

2. Control portions: Measure out appropriate treat portions based on your cat’s recommended daily intake. Avoid free-feeding treats or leaving treat-filled toys accessible at all times.

3. Explore treat alternatives: Instead of relying solely on store-bought treats, consider natural alternatives like small pieces of cooked chicken or freeze-dried meat treats. Ensure the chosen treats are safe and suitable for cats.

4. Use treats as rewards: Incorporate treats into training sessions to reward good behavior and encourage positive reinforcement. This helps establish a positive association between treats and desired actions.

5. Monitor weight: Keep a close eye on your cat’s weight and body condition. If you notice any signs of weight gain or obesity, adjust the treat allowance accordingly and consult with a veterinarian for guidance.

How Many Treats Per Day for Cat

Understanding Cat Nutrition Basics

To ensure optimal health and well-being, understanding a cat’s dietary needs is crucial. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies are designed to primarily digest and utilize animal protein.

They have specific requirements for essential nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. Unlike humans, cats have limited ability to produce certain nutrients internally and must obtain them from their diet.

Essential Nutritional Requirements for Optimal Health

Meeting a cat’s nutritional requirements is essential for maintaining overall health. Key nutrients include high-quality animal-based proteins, such as those found in meat or fish, as well as essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. Cats also require specific vitamins and minerals, such as taurine, vitamin A, and calcium. Providing a balanced diet that meets these nutritional needs is crucial for their growth, energy levels, immune function, and overall vitality.

Distinguishing Between Treats and Regular Cat Food

It’s important to understand the difference between treats and regular cat food. While cat food is formulated to provide a complete and balanced diet, treats are supplementary and should not replace a cat’s main meals.

Treats often have a higher moisture content and are typically lower in essential nutrients compared to complete cat food. This differentiation is vital to prevent nutrient imbalances or overfeeding, as treats are intended for intermittent consumption and specific purposes.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Treats

When selecting treats for your cat, prioritize high-quality options. Look for treats made from natural ingredients and free from artificial additives, preservatives, or fillers. High-quality treats are typically made with recognizable and limited ingredients, ensuring they are both nutritious and easily digestible for your feline companion.

Evaluating Ingredients and Nutritional Information

Take the time to carefully review the ingredient list and nutritional information provided on the treat packaging. Look for treats that list high-quality proteins as the primary ingredients, with limited or no use of fillers like grains or by-products. Consider the treat’s protein content, fat content, and other nutrient values to ensure they align with your cat’s dietary requirements.

Considering Specific Dietary Restrictions or Sensitivities

If your cat has specific dietary restrictions or sensitivities, such as food allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients, it’s important to choose treats that cater to their needs. Select treats that are formulated to be hypoallergenic or suitable for cats with sensitive stomachs.

Role of Treats in Cat Training

A brown cat is eating treat as a reward

Using Treats for Positive Reinforcement

Treats can be a powerful tool for positive reinforcement during cat training. By associating treats with desired behaviors, you can motivate and reward your cat, making the training process more enjoyable and effective.

Positive reinforcement encourages cats to repeat behaviors that are positively reinforced, strengthening the bond between you and your feline companion.

Establishing Reward-Based Training Techniques

Reward-based training techniques involve strategically using treats to reward and reinforce desired behaviors. By timing treat rewards appropriately and providing praise and affection alongside treats, you can encourage your cat to understand and perform desired actions. This positive association enhances their learning experience and increases the likelihood of successful training outcomes.

Choosing Suitable Treat Sizes and Flavors for Training Purposes

When using treats for training, it’s essential to select suitable sizes and flavors. Treats should be small enough for your cat to consume quickly without interrupting the training session.

Opt for treats with flavors that your cat finds particularly enticing, as this will enhance their motivation and engagement during training. Experimenting with different treat options can help you determine which ones are most effective for your cat.

How many treats can I give my cat?

Practicing portion control is crucial when giving treats to your cat. Overfeeding treats can lead to excessive calorie intake and potential health issues. Understanding the significance of portion control helps maintain a healthy treat-to-diet ratio and prevents overindulgence.

Determining the Ideal Treat-to-Calorie Ratio

To determine the ideal treat-to-calorie ratio, consider your cat’s daily caloric intake and the recommended treat allowance. As I mentioned earlier, treats should generally constitute no more than 10% of a cat’s total daily caloric intake. Keep in mind that this ratio may vary based on factors such as your cat’s age, weight, and activity level.

Calculating the Overall Treat Intake Based on a Cat’s Weight

To calculate the overall treat intake based on your cat’s weight, it’s essential to understand the caloric content of the treats you are offering. Treat packaging often provides information about the calorie content per treat.

By considering your cat’s weight and the recommended treat-to-calorie ratio, you can calculate the appropriate number of treats to offer your cat each day. This calculation helps maintain portion control and prevents excessive calorie intake.

Common Health Concerns Related to Treats

One of the primary health concerns associated with treats is the potential for obesity. Overfeeding treats or providing high-calorie treats without considering portion control can contribute to weight gain in cats.

Obesity increases the risk of various health problems, including diabetes, joint issues, and cardiovascular disease. Monitoring your cat’s weight, following portion control guidelines, and choosing low-calorie treats can help manage weight and prevent obesity.

Dental Health Implications of Treats

While some treats are designed to support dental health by promoting chewing or reducing tartar buildup, others can be detrimental to dental hygiene. Treats that are excessively sticky or contain sugars may contribute to dental issues, such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Choosing dental-specific treats or consulting with your veterinarian for appropriate dental care recommendations can help address your cat’s oral health needs.

Allergies and Dietary Intolerances Related to Treats

Some cats may develop allergies or dietary intolerances to certain ingredients commonly found in treats. It’s important to be aware of any food allergies or sensitivities your cat may have and choose treats that are free from potential allergens.

Reading ingredient labels carefully and opting for hypoallergenic or limited-ingredient treats can minimize the risk of adverse reactions and ensure your cat’s well-being.

By understanding and addressing these key aspects related to cat nutrition, treat selection, training techniques, portion control, and potential health concerns, you can make informed decisions regarding your cat’s diet and treat-giving practices.

This knowledge empowers you to prioritize their health and happiness while enjoying the rewarding experience of treating your feline companion.

Tasty treat is placed in a bowl- healthy treats per day for cat

Guidelines for Treating Senior Cats

When treating senior cats, it’s important to consider their specific dietary needs. Senior cats may have age-related conditions such as decreased appetite, dental issues, or reduced nutrient absorption.

Choosing treats that are easy to chew and digest can help address these concerns. Additionally, treats formulated with ingredients that support joint health or contain antioxidants can be beneficial for older cats.

Adjusting Treat Frequency and Portion Sizes for Older Cats

As cats age, their metabolism and activity levels may change. It’s crucial to adjust treat frequency and portion sizes accordingly. Senior cats may have a lower calorie requirement, so offering treats less frequently or in smaller portions can help prevent excessive weight gain.

Identifying Age-Specific Health Concerns Related to Treats

Senior cats may be more prone to certain health concerns, such as obesity, kidney disease, or dental issues. Treats should be selected with these considerations in mind.

Avoiding high-calorie treats or those with excessive salt content can help prevent obesity and maintain proper kidney function. Additionally, choosing dental-specific treats can contribute to oral health in senior cats.

Monitoring and Observing Your Cat’s Response to Treats

It’s important to monitor your cat’s response to treats to ensure they are well-tolerated. Watch for signs of overindulgence, such as weight gain, decreased appetite for regular food, or gastrointestinal upset.

Additionally, be vigilant for any adverse reactions, including vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic symptoms. If you notice any concerning reactions, discontinue the treats and consult with your veterinarian.

Tracking Weight and Overall Health

Regularly monitoring your cat’s weight and overall health is essential. Treats should not contribute to weight gain or compromise their overall well-being. Weigh your cat regularly and keep a record of their weight to ensure it remains within a healthy range.

Observe their behavior, coat condition, and energy levels to assess their overall health and make any necessary adjustments to treat-giving habits.

Seeking Veterinary Advice for Individual Cases

Each cat is unique, and their health circumstances may require specific considerations when it comes to treats. If you have concerns about your cat’s health, dietary needs, or treat choices, it’s always best to seek professional advice to improve your cat’s health from a veterinarian. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your cat’s specific needs and help you navigate any treat-related issues.

Popular Types of Cat Treats

Crunchy Treats and Their Benefits

Crunchy treats are a common type of cat treat and offer several benefits. They provide a satisfying texture for cats that enjoy biting and chewing. Crunchy treats can also assist in maintaining dental health by promoting chewing action and reducing tartar buildup.

Soft and Moist Treats for Cats

Soft and moist treats are another popular option, especially for cats with dental issues or those who prefer a softer texture. These treats are easily chewed and can be a suitable choice for senior cats or cats with dental sensitivities. Soft and moist treats are often highly palatable and can be used as a rewarding option during training sessions.

Novelty Treats and Their Appeal

Novelty treats encompass a wide range of options that provide unique flavors, shapes, or textures. These treats can add variety and excitement to your cat’s treat repertoire, keeping them engaged and interested. Novelty treats can be a fun way to spice up treat-giving sessions and cater to your cat’s individual preferences.

Homemade Treats for Cats

Homemade Treats for Cats

Advantages of Making Treats at Home

Making treats at home for your cat offers several advantages. You have full control over the ingredients, ensuring they are of high quality and meet your cat’s specific dietary needs.

Homemade treats also allow for customization, catering to any allergies or dietary restrictions your cat may have. Additionally, preparing treats yourself can be a rewarding and bonding experience with your feline companion.

Recipes for DIY Cat Treats

Numerous recipes are available for DIY cat treats using simple and wholesome ingredients. These recipes often feature protein sources such as chicken, tuna, or salmon and may incorporate cat-friendly herbs like catnip or parsley.

Ensuring Safety and Quality in Homemade Treats

When making homemade treats for your cat, it’s essential to prioritize safety and quality. Ensure that all ingredients used are safe and appropriate for feline consumption, avoiding any toxic or harmful substances. Maintain proper hygiene during preparation and storage to prevent bacterial contamination.


Responsible treat-giving involves understanding your cat’s needs, making informed choices, and practicing moderation. By treating your cat responsibly, you ensure their overall well-being and support a healthy lifestyle.

Moderation is key when it comes to treats. Balancing treat intake with a nutritious and balanced diet is essential for preventing obesity and other health issues. By practicing moderation, you can keep your cat’s treat consumption in check and contribute to their long-term health.

Encouraging a balanced approach to treat-giving is crucial for ensuring the happiness and health of your cat. By following the guidelines and considerations discussed throughout this article, you can provide treats that are not only enjoyable for your cat but also supportive of their nutritional needs.

Remember to consider your cat’s age, dietary requirements, and any specific health concerns when choosing treats. Adjust treat frequency and portion sizes accordingly, especially for senior cats or those with weight management needs. Monitor your cat’s response to treats, watch for signs of overindulgence or adverse reactions, and consult with your veterinarian if needed.

Explore the variety of cat treats available on the market, including crunchy treats, soft and moist treats, and novelty treats. Consider the benefits of homemade treats, such as ingredient control and customization, while ensuring safety and quality in their preparation.

Responsible treat-giving involves a combination of understanding your cat’s needs, making informed choices, and maintaining moderation. By implementing these guidelines and emphasizing a balanced approach, you can contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of your beloved feline companion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can Treats Replace Regular Cat Food?

    No, treats should not replace regular cat food. Treats are intended to be given in moderation and should not serve as a substitute for a complete and balanced diet. Regular cat food is formulated to provide the necessary nutrients for your cat’s overall health and well-being.

  2. How Do I Know if My Cat is Getting Too Many Treats?

    Signs that your cat may be receiving too many treats include weight gain, decreased appetite for regular food, and changes in stool consistency. If you notice these symptoms, it may indicate that your cat is getting too many treats. Adjust the treat frequency and portion sizes accordingly to maintain a healthy treat-to-diet ratio.

  3. What Are Some Low-Calorie Treat Options for Overweight Cats?

    Low-calorie treats specifically designed for overweight cats are available on the market. These treats often have reduced calorie content while still offering flavor and satisfaction. Consulting with your veterinarian can help you identify suitable low-calorie treat options for your overweight cat.

  4. Are There Treats Specifically Designed for Dental Health?

    Yes, there are treats formulated specifically to support dental health in cats. These treats are designed to help reduce tartar buildup and promote oral hygiene. They often have a texture that encourages chewing and may contain ingredients that aid in dental care. Choosing dental-specific treats can be beneficial for your cat’s oral health.

  5. Can Kittens Have Treats, and if So, How Many?

    Kittens can have treats, but it’s important to choose treats specifically formulated for their needs. Treats for kittens should be appropriate for their age, size, and nutritional requirements. Consult with your veterinarian to determine suitable treats for kittens and the recommended quantity based on their individual needs.